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New hack to set your signature for Gmail email marketing campaigns with GMass

A few months ago, we explained why your Gmail signature doesn’t show up in the Compose window when the window is launched by GMass.

Now we have written a hack so that you can save your signature with GMass and so that your signature shows up every time a Compose window is launched, even if launched by GMass.

Saving your signature to GMass is easy.

  1. Hit Compose to launch a new blank Compose window with just your signature.
  2. In the To field, put “signature@gmass.co”. The Subject can be anything.
  3. Then hit the GMass button to send it.
Compose a blank email, with just your signature, and send to signature@gmass.co with the GMass button (not the Send button). This will save your signature with GMass.
That’s all there is to it! An email will have been sent to signature@gmass.co, and your signature is now saved with GMass. Any time you use a GMass feature to launch a Compose window, including “Connect to Google Sheets”, “Build an Email List from Search Results”, or “Send a Manual Follow-up Campaign” (the three red buttons near the Search field), the Compose window will contain your signature!
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  1. I just saved my signature using GMass. I tried sending an email to myself to see how the signature would look like but it doesn’t appear at all. Is there a time frame for when the signatures will take effect after saving them using GMass?

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